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Welcome to Art by Hilkka Kosinsky

I came to work in New York in 1980 – where I also married my husband Joseph Kosinsky. – I was born in Ristijärvi, a little village in the middle part of Finland. After high school in Hameenlinna and graduating from the Helsinki School of Economics followed working at the big Finnish company Valmet/Metso. Later in New York I was employed by a Finnish bank, which after three mergers became the Scandinavian bank Nordea.

After leaving the bank in 2002, I found again my first love – painting. I received inspiration and valuable advice attending art classes at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan and the Westchester Art Workshop in White Plains, NY. The classes covered oil and pastel painting for portraits, landscapes and nudes using various techniques and materials.

You can see here my Galleries of Abstracts, Portraits, Sceneries, Nature and Japanese. I have used used mostly oils and but also pastels, oil sticks and watercolors. – I know that if you would try to ‘gain a name’, you should concentrate on one style. But that is not for me, I like to paint many different ways.

Hope you enjoy visiting my art pages!

Tervetuloa taidesivuilleni!

Olen asunut v. 1980 lahtien New Yorkissa, jossa myos tapasin mieheni Joseph Kosinskyn. Syntyisin olen Ristijarvelta, Kainuusta. Kavin Tyttolyseon Hameenlinnassa ja sitten Kauppakorkeakoulun Helsingissa. Olin toissa Valmetissa/Metsossa Helsingissa ja New Yorkissa – siella myohemmin suomalaisessa pankissa josta kolmen yhdistymisen jalkeen tuli pohjoismainen pankki Nordea.

‘Pankkiurani’ jalkeen v. 2002 saatoin keskittya jalleen kuvien tekemiseen. Sain paljon arvokkaita ohjeita ja inspiroivaa opetusta erilaisilla taidekursseilla School of Visual Arts -taideoppilaitoksessa Manhattanilla ja maalaustunneilla White Plainsissa, Westchesterissa.

Hilkka Kosinsky, os. Oikarinen